Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 21 - Monday August 20th - Day 26 - Saturday September 4th

Days 21 - 26 were spent in Paris with Andrea, Denise and Allyson. It was a true girls trip, although on steroids with a ton of museums and not as much planned downtime as desired. We stayed at 123 saint honore in the 1st - right off of Louvre de Rivoli and the Louvre itself. Everyday we would get up and walk through the Louvre and the Jardins connected to it.

We walked around the Eiffel tower and grabbed lunch on our walk through St. Germain.

The Moulin Rouge ***
FANTASTIC - the food, the show, the champagne. It was a great night.

We went to a bunch of different museums - starting with Rodin. It was one of my favorites. He had such a talent for sculpting marble. Rodin could get such raw and deep emotions out of a block of stone. I've included a bunch a pictures of some of my favorite works and his most famous.We also perrused Musee D'Orsay, Musee D'Orangerie, and Musee de Claude Monet. In Giverny, which was like a 1h20 minute train ride plus a 20 minute bus ride from Vernon, we could go through Monet's house and his gardens. He has beautiful gardens, from the Chinease bridge to the waterlilys.

We had the region's famous cider and I had a ratatouille crepe.

Afterwards, we headed home, got ready, and headed out to Willi's Wine Bar. We had one of the best meals here, Guinea Foul, Beaf, Panna Cotta, and peppery wine. Good dinner for my last night!

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