Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 7 – Monday August 16th

We went to the market today. After the market we went and had lunch at her grandma’s house with her mom, grandpa and her uncle Mark’s mother in law. We had polenta with mushrooms that her grandma’s friend had found earlier. I had a lot of mushrooms. Matteo picked us up and we went to Margharita’s for an aperitve. Then we drove to the neighboring town of Costella to go to Matte’s house and to a festival in town. Every town in Italy has a saint who represents the town, and they have festivals in honor of the saint. We went to their festival. We got to here a classic Italian band, sounded a bit like polka or like an Italian band stuck in the 80’s, even the performer’s clothes were silly. We ordered pasta fritte with proscuito. It’s funny that their fast food is like polenta and meet and pasta fritte and cristintine. I ended up drinking a ton of beers and spent the night talked to some of Matteo’s friends – Kino and his girlfriend Alicia – all night. We ended up getting home around 5:00 – a very long night.

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