Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Drinking out of Baby Bottles

The first weekend, when I still lived in the hostel, I went out. I ended up meeting a gay Irish man named Cillian - see picture below:
Cillian and Katie with their Baby Bottle wine
He invited me out to dinner with his work friends and some other people. Me, being as awkward as I am, brought along my friends Victoria and Katie, just to even the friend to friend ratio. We ended up getting Fondue in Montmartre at a little place called Le Refuge des Fondues - a place that has graffiti written all over the walls, serves just cheese fondue, makes you climb (literally step on the table) to get to your chair, and serves you endless amounts of wine in... what else... baby bottles.

Notice the walls - graffiti

Katie and Me

Cillian's friend, Katie, happened to be turning 23 that night, so we go to celebrate a little bit. Surprisingly it was one of the cheaper meals I've had since being in Paris.

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